It maybe true that Thai will be happy when drug producer in golden triangle are gone. but I want to point out hat this article seemed to have little acknowledgment on political problem which is the root cause of all social and political turmoil in Burma.
However we can not only tell reasoning of drug when it comes the fighting between Burmese dictatorship regime and ethnic armies. The reason is because this war is not only about drug. The root cause of Wa holding arm is also not merely to produce methamphetamine.
The main trouble maker is the SPDC who destroyed the constitution of federal democracy and staged coup, arresting the union’s political leaders including Suu Kyi and ethnic representatives and put them in prisons. The oppressive rule by the Burman-dominated military regime have driven away remaining political leaders into the jungle, holding arms to restrict the oppressive regime and to restore democracy and human rights.
Thailand simply can not applause defeating Wa since knowing above mentioned roots cause of political turmoil in Burma. As usually, the offensive will not only pose refugees problem to Thailand, it will cause burning civilian homes and killing people and destroying the region’s peace. Without resolving the main problem of political crisis, but defeating an ethnic army would pose forever political problems in the region.
Instead of eliminating ethnic armies, Burma should find remedy for its political problem which is the main cause of all social, health problem and unstable politics. The regime should show its willingness to solve political turmoil by releasing political prisoners including Suu Kyi, and letting the democratic civilian government govern and manage the country’s social and political affairs. Instead of happy applause of defeating Wa by Thailand, all international Community including Thais must honestly and openly encourage Burmese military to step down from power, not to abuse human rights and restore democracy in Burma.
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